The Offsets Management Company

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Offsets 2000 Workshops

The objective of our workshops is to raise the awareness of offset and its implications to business. We also pass on advice and Best Practice gained through our practical experience on project work in various countries.

Roger Bulgin

For many of our clients, both in the Defence and the Non-Defence sector alike, there is a pressing business need to find out more about offset before engaging with the offset process. We have developed a range of offset workshops that are delivered on a delegate basis and internally to a company’s management team.

Our workshops are attended by a diverse range of people including: marketing managers, finance directors, offset project managers, business development managers and members of an organisation’s project team. Every single workshop has been written by Roger Bulgin and includes compelling and helpful real-life case studies that illustrate the valuable points being made. The workshops are interactive, enjoyable and highly informative.

A comprehensive delegate handout is included with the training. Our current training programme includes:

Offset Workshops

Newsletters & Articles

Offsets 2000 Q3-10 Newsletter

Including a report on the US Market, special focus on the Farnborough International Airshow 2010 and its implications for global offset, and developments in Best Practice and Benchmarking in the offset industry