Extinguisher servicing
Sovereign Alarms limited provides fire extinguisher service for all types of workplace. Our service team can service virtually every type of fire extinguisher and carry service exchange units so your premises are never under protected.
Once a maintenance agreement has been signed, this provides the following:
o Availability to an engineer 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
o Routine service inspections in accordance with British Standards
o 48 hours response to all emergency call outs
It is a requirement under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 to have fire extinguishers regularly maintained in accordance with the relevant standards.
BS 5306 part 3 states the following:
Portable fire extinguishers be service 12 monthly
Discharge tested every 5 years
C02 overhauled every 10 years.
Basic service plan
Extinguishers serviced in accordance with BS5306 part 3
Certificate issued after inspection
Remedial report and quotation
24 hour emergency customer support
Inspection by User
It is recommended that regular visual inspection of all extinguishers be carried out by the user or user’s representative. The frequency of inspections by the user should be less than monthly and, when circumstances require, inspections should be carried out more frequently.
Note 1 The fire safety; An employers guide (10) information leaflet for employers, which is published for the home office as guidance for operating within fire precautions (workplace) regulations (2) & (3), suggests that good practice is to determine whether the extinguisher has been operated and to check for damage on a weekly basis.
Inspections should include checks that:
a) each extinguisher is located in the designated place
b) each extinguisher is unobstructed and visible
c) the operating instructions of each extinguisher are clean and legible and face outwards
d) each extinguisher has not been operated and is not obviously damaged
e) the reading of any pressure gauge or indicator fitted to an extinguisher is within operational and safety limits
f) the seals and tamper indicators of each extinguisher are not broken or missing
Maintenance records
A maintenance record should be kept of the basic and extended maintenance performed. The maintenance record should be indelibly marked on a durable label that is fixed firmly to the extinguisher without obscuring any of the manufacturer’s markings and instructions. Where there is no more space on the maintenance label and a new label is fixed, the date of the last extended service should be marked on the new label.
Type of extinguisher Basic service (see annex D)a Extended service and Overhaul and recharging
recharging if necessary (See annex F)
see note 1 see note 2 (see annex E) see note 2
Water, Foam, and water based Every year Every 5 Years -
Powder Every year Every 5 years -
Powder -
Halon Must be condemned
CO2 Every year Every 10 years
Plastic headed extinguishers – these type of heads must be replaced on extended service test, this is due to a change in the standards and down to degrade of the plastic.
Note 1 – The intervals should be taken from the date of the installation or the last service. However CO2 extinguishers require that the stamped date of manufacture be used. The intervals may be shortened, on recommendation of the competent person where inspection reveals environmental and/or special hazards, or at the request of the user.
Note 2 the replacement of parts does not effect these intervals. For example, if the hose of a water extinguisher is replaced after the extinguisher has been in service for 6 years from the installation then the extended service should be carried out after a further 4 years.
Note 3 Primary sealed stored pressure extinguishers should be returned to the manufacturer/supplier for recharging.
Note 4 Service of this type of extinguisher may only be carried out if the extinguisher meets the criteria of the ‘critical uses’
Precautions for opening extinguishers
When opening any extinguisher, the competent person should:
Ensure that there is no residual pressure in any person should:
Unscrew the head cap or value assembly slowly for two or three turns only, to allow any residual pressure to escape via the venting arrangement, and should not unscrew it further until all pressure is released.
If there is no gradual release of pressure after unscrewing the head or value assembly two or three turns, it should no be unscrewed further without taking appropriate safely precautions, for example, using suitable clamping arrangements and appropriate personal protection. Any sudden release of pressure might eject parts or the contents of the extinguisher, so the competent person should be absolutely certain that any pressure within the body does not exceed atmospheric pressure.
WARNING At all times, when attempting to remove parts from extinguishers, competent
persons should ensure that they are clear of any parts which might be ejected. Under
no circumstance should any attempt be made to remove the values of carbon dioxide
extinguishers or other high-
Note other methods of retaining head caps are possible. Reference should be manufacturers instructions for safety precautions.