$mail->Host= $smtp_host;
// Begin email building
$mail_body = "Details of changes/additions/deletions: " . '
$mail->AddReplyTo($from_address,"Flude cron monitor");
$mail->SetFrom($from_address,"Flude cron monitor");
$address = "";
$mail->AddAddress($address, "Flude cron monitor");
$mail->Subject = "";
// initialise email subject string
$subject_str = "";
// Get most recent token from database
$token_qry_result = $db->query("SELECT token from api_tokens WHERE token <> '' ORDER BY api_tokenID DESC LIMIT 1");
while($row = $token_qry_result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$token = $row['token'];
if (isset($token)) {
if ($mode == 'debug') echo 'token found: ' . $token . '
} else {
// give a previously working token just so that the request can be made
if ($mode == 'debug') echo 'no token found
// construct request url string
// get most recently made request date and time values
$request_qry_result = $db->query("SELECT * from requests_log ORDER BY requestID DESC LIMIT 1");
while($row = $request_qry_result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$year = $row['year'];
$month = $row['month'];
$day = $row['day'];
$hour = $row['hour'];
$min = $row['min'];
$sec = $row['sec'];
// date ovverride to debug script
// $year = '2013';
// $month = '07';
// $day = '23';
// $hour = '06';
// $min = '00';
// $sec = '00';
$url_datetime_str = "$year/$month/$day/$hour/$min/$sec";
$changed_get_url = $url_stem . $datafeed_id . '/v' . $version . '/property/' . $url_datetime_str;
// eg:
$mail_body .= '
constructed vebra web service URL: ' . $changed_get_url . '
if ($mode == 'debug') echo '
constructed vebra web service URL: ' . $changed_get_url . '
// Make the request using the token retrieved from the database
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, TRUE);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $changed_get_url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Authorization: Basic '.base64_encode($token) ));
$response = curl_exec($ch);
// Check for errors
if (curl_errno($ch)) {
if ($mode == 'debug') echo 'Errors occurred';
$subject_str .= "Curl error ~~ ";
$mail->Subject = $subject_str;
// Debug marker output
if ($mode == 'debug') echo '
Marker - 1
// Begin to process the response
$info = curl_getinfo($ch);
if ($mode == 'debug') echo '
Returned HTTP code: ' . $info['http_code'] . '
$mail_body .= 'Returned HTTP code: ' . $info['http_code'] . '
// If the token is no longer valid a 401 error code will be returned
if (($info['http_code'] === 401) || ($info['http_code'] === 404)) {
if ($mode == 'debug') echo 'New token needed...
$subject_str .= "New token needed ~~ ";
// Try again using username and password combo to get and store the token
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Authorization: Basic '.base64_encode($userpass) ));
$response = curl_exec($ch);
// extract and store the token from the response
list($headers, $body) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $response);
$headers = nl2br($headers);
$headers = explode('
', $headers);
foreach($headers as $header) {
$components = explode(': ', trim($header));
$headers[$components[0]] = $components[1];
$token = $headers['Token'];
$subject_str .= $token . " ~~ ";
if ($mode == 'debug') echo 'New token is: [' . $token . ']
$mail_body .= 'New token is: ' . $token . '
// Now store the token so that it can be used for the next attempted run of this script
$nowdate_str = date("Y").'-'.date("m").'-'.date("d").' '.date("H").':'.date("i").':'.date("s");
$sql = "INSERT INTO api_tokens (issue_datetime,token) VALUES (:issue_datetime,:token)";
$q = $db->prepare($sql);
$q->execute(array(':issue_datetime'=>$nowdate_str, ':token'=>$token));
} else {
$mail_body .= 'Token: ' . $token . ' is valid
// Debug marker output
if ($mode == 'debug') echo '
Marker - 2
// Get the details from the response
// extract body element (the XML) from the response
list($headers, $body) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $response);
// if ($mode == 'debug') echo 'Response: ' . $response . '
try {
$propertieschanged = new SimpleXMLElement($body);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$subject_str .= 'Caught exception: '. $e->getMessage(). " ~~ ";
$subject_str .= 'Most likely cause: no updated properties since most recent request. ~~ ';
if ($mode == 'debug') {
echo '
echo 'Caught exception: '. $e->getMessage(). " ~~ " . '
echo 'Most likely cause: no updated properties since most recent request. ~~ ' . '
echo '
// Log the request
$year = date("Y");
$month = date("m");
$day = date("d");
$hour = date("H");
$min = date("i");
$sec = date("s");
// Needs updating as per above sql statements
$sql = "INSERT INTO requests_log (year,month,day,hour,min,sec) VALUES (:year,:month,:day,:hour,:min,:sec)";
$q = $db->prepare($sql);
$q->execute(array(':year'=>$year, ':month'=>$month, ':day'=>$day, ':hour'=>$hour, ':min'=>$min, ':sec'=>$sec));
$mail->Subject = $subject_str;
// debug and add email body
if ($mode == 'debug') echo 'Email subject: ' . $subject_str . '
if ($mode == 'debug') echo 'Email body: ' . $mail_body . '
if(!$mail->Send()) {
if ($mode == 'debug') echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;
} else {
if ($mode == 'debug') echo "Message sent.";
// Debug marker output
if ($mode == 'debug') echo '
Marker - 3
foreach ($propertieschanged->property as $property) {
$prop_id = $property->propid;
$lastchanged = $property->lastchanged;
$action = $property->action;
$property_url = $property->url;
if ($mode == 'debug') echo 'PropertyID: ' . $prop_id . '
$mail_body .= 'PropertyID which needs changing or deleting: ' . $prop_id . '
switch ($action) {
// if the property has been deleted
case 'deleted':
if ($mode == 'debug') echo 'Property needs to be deleted
$mail_body .= 'Property needs to be deleted
// update this property's active status
$property_update_qry = "UPDATE properties SET ";
$property_update_qry .= "active = 0, lastchanged = :lastchanged ";
$property_update_qry .= "WHERE propertyID = :prop_id";
$stmt = $db->prepare($property_update_qry);
'prop_id' => $prop_id,
'lastchanged' => $lastchanged
// also make inactive any files associated with this property
$stmt = $db->prepare('UPDATE properties_files SET active = 0 WHERE propertyID = :prop_id');
'prop_id' => $prop_id
$subject_str .= "Deleted property: $prop_id ~~ ";
case 'updated':
$mail_body .= 'Property needs to be updated
// first check if this property already exists in the database
$stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT address_display from properties WHERE propertyID = :prop_id LIMIT 1');
'prop_id' => $prop_id
$result = $stmt->fetchAll();
$resultCount = 0;
if (count($result)) {
foreach($result as $row) {
if (isset($row['year'])) $year = $row['year'];
if (isset($row['month'])) $month = $row['month'];
if (isset($row['day'])) $day = $row['day'];
if (isset($row['hour'])) $hour = $row['hour'];
if (isset($row['min'])) $min = $row['min'];
if (isset($row['year'])) $sec = $row['sec'];
$property_check_num_rows = $resultCount;
// Make a new request for full property details
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $property_url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Authorization: Basic '.base64_encode($token) ));
$response = curl_exec($ch);
// Check for errors
if (curl_errno($ch)) {
echo 'Errors occurred';
// extract body element (the XML) from the response
list($headers, $body) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $response);
$property = new SimpleXMLElement($body);
// Grab all property info from the XML
$featured = $property['featured'];
$address_county = quote2entities($property->address->county);
$address_display = quote2entities($property->address->display);
$address_town = quote2entities($property->address->town);
$available = $property->available;
$longitude = $property->longitude;
$latitude = $property->latitude;
$custom_status = $property->custom_status;
$type1 = $property->type[0];
$type2 = $property->type[1];
$comm_rent = $property->comm_rent;
$premium = $property->premium;
$service_charge = $property->service_charge;
$rateable_value = $property->rateable_value;
$furnished = $property->furnished;
$bedrooms = $property->bedrooms;
$receptions = $property->receptions;
$bathrooms = $property->bathrooms;
// Area variables
$area_metric_unit = '';
$area_metric_min = 0;
$area_metric_max = 0;
$area_imperial_unit = '';
$area_imperial_min = 0;
$area_imperial_max = 0;
$area1 = $property->area[0];
if ($area1['measure'] == 'metric') {
$area_metric_unit = $area1[0]['unit'];
$area_metric_min = $area1[0]->min;
$area_metric_max = $area1[0]->max;
} else if ($area1['measure'] == 'imperial') {
$area_imperial_unit = $area1[0]['unit'];
$area_imperial_min = $area1[0]->min;
$area_imperial_max = $area1[0]->max;
$area2 = $property->area[1];
if ($area2['measure'] == 'metric') {
$area_metric_unit = $area2['unit'];
$area_metric_min = $area2->min;
$area_metric_max = $area2->max;
} else if ($area2['measure'] == 'imperial') {
$area_imperial_unit = $area2['unit'];
$area_imperial_min = $area2->min;
$area_imperial_max = $area2->max;
$description = quote2entities($property->description);
// Now get info of all files related to this property
// [The Vebra API version 3 Get Changed Files call is buggy - it doesn't return all files which have been updated...]
// [This method bypasses that call and will catch all files for the property and make sure that everything is up to date]
$property_files = array();
$loopCount = 0;
foreach ($property->files->file as $file) {
$file_url = $file->url;
echo 'file url: ' . $file_url . '
$file_url_elements = explode(".", $file_url);
$file_extension = $file_url_elements[count($file_url_elements) - 1];
echo 'file extension: ' . $file_extension . '
$property_files[$loopCount] = array($file_url, $file_extension);
if ($property_check_num_rows === 0) {
$subject_str .= "New property: $prop_id ~~ ";
echo 'This is a new property
$mail_body .= 'Property needs to be inserted
// insert details of the new property
$property_insert_qry = "INSERT INTO properties ";
$property_insert_qry .= "(propertyID, lastchanged, featured, address_display, county, town, available, longitude, latitude, custom_status, type1, type2, ";
$property_insert_qry .= "comm_rent, premium, service_charge, rateable_value, furnished, bedrooms, receptions, bathrooms, ";
$property_insert_qry .= "area_metric_unit, area_metric_min, area_metric_max, area_imperial_unit, area_imperial_min, area_imperial_max, description) VALUES (";
$property_insert_qry .= ":prop_id, :lastchanged, :featured, :address_display, :address_county, :address_town, :available, :longitude, :latitude, :custom_status, :type1, :type2, ";
$property_insert_qry .= ":comm_rent, :premium, :service_charge, :rateable_value, :furnished, :bedrooms, :receptions, :bathrooms, ";
$property_insert_qry .= ":area_metric_unit, :area_metric_min, :area_metric_max, :area_imperial_unit, :area_imperial_min, :area_imperial_max, :description)";
$mail_body .= $property_insert_qry . '
echo $property_insert_qry . '
$stmt = $db->prepare($property_insert_qry);
'prop_id' => $prop_id,
'lastchanged' => $lastchanged,
'featured' => $featured,
'address_display' => $address_display,
'address_county' => $address_county,
'address_town' => $address_town,
'available' => $available,
'longitude' => $longitude,
'latitude' => $latitude,
'custom_status' => $custom_status,
'type1' => $type1,
'type2' => $type2,
'comm_rent' => $comm_rent,
'premium' => $premium,
'service_charge' => $service_charge,
'rateable_value' => $rateable_value,
'furnished' => $furnished,
'bedrooms' => $bedrooms,
'receptions' => $receptions,
'bathrooms' => $bathrooms,
'area_metric_unit' => $area_metric_unit,
'area_metric_min' => $area_metric_min,
'area_metric_max' => $area_metric_max,
'area_imperial_unit' => $area_imperial_unit,
'area_imperial_min' => $area_imperial_min,
'area_imperial_max' => $area_imperial_max,
'description' => $description
// Now insert all files associated with this property
if (count($property_files) > 0) {
$loopCount = 0;
foreach ($property_files as $property_file) {
$property_file_url = $property_files[$loopCount][0];
$property_file_extension = $property_files[$loopCount][1];
$properties_files_insert_qry = "INSERT INTO properties_files (propertyID, file_url, file_extension) VALUES (:prop_id, :property_file_url, :property_file_extension)";
$stmt = $db->prepare($properties_files_insert_qry);
'prop_id' => $prop_id,
'property_file_url' => $property_file_url,
'property_file_extension' => $property_file_extension
} else {
$subject_str .= "Updated property: $prop_id ~~ ";
// Property details need to be updated
echo 'Property needs to be updated
$mail_body .= 'Property needs to be updated
$property_update_qry = "UPDATE properties SET ";
$property_update_qry .= "lastchanged = :lastchanged, featured = :featured, address_display = :address_display, county = :address_county, town = :address_town, available = :available, longitude = :longitude, latitude = :latitude, custom_status = :custom_status, type1 = :type1, type2 = :type2, comm_rent = :comm_rent, premium = :premium, service_charge = :service_charge, rateable_value = :rateable_value, furnished = :furnished, bedrooms = :bedrooms, receptions = :receptions, bathrooms = :bathrooms, area_metric_unit = :area_metric_unit, area_metric_min = :area_metric_min, area_metric_max = :area_metric_max, area_imperial_unit = :area_imperial_unit, area_imperial_min = :area_imperial_min, area_imperial_max = :area_imperial_max, description = :description ";
$property_update_qry .= "WHERE propertyID = :prop_id";
// echo $property_update_qry . '
$stmt = $db->prepare($property_update_qry);
'prop_id' => $prop_id,
'lastchanged' => $lastchanged,
'featured' => $featured,
'address_display' => $address_display,
'address_county' => $address_county,
'address_town' => $address_town,
'available' => $available,
'longitude' => $longitude,
'latitude' => $latitude,
'custom_status' => $custom_status,
'type1' => $type1,
'type2' => $type2,
'comm_rent' => $comm_rent,
'premium' => $premium,
'service_charge' => $service_charge,
'rateable_value' => $rateable_value,
'furnished' => $furnished,
'bedrooms' => $bedrooms,
'receptions' => $receptions,
'bathrooms' => $bathrooms,
'area_metric_unit' => $area_metric_unit,
'area_metric_min' => $area_metric_min,
'area_metric_max' => $area_metric_max,
'area_imperial_unit' => $area_imperial_unit,
'area_imperial_min' => $area_imperial_min,
'area_imperial_max' => $area_imperial_max,
'description' => $description
// Completely reset all files associated with this property - delete any existing then insert all found from this call
$property_files_delete_qry = "DELETE from properties_files WHERE propertyID = :prop_id";
$stmt = $db->prepare($property_files_delete_qry);
'prop_id' => $prop_id
// Now insert all files associated with this property
if (count($property_files) > 0) {
$loopCount = 0;
foreach ($property_files as $property_file) {
$property_file_url = $property_files[$loopCount][0];
$property_file_extension = $property_files[$loopCount][1];
$properties_files_insert_qry = "INSERT INTO properties_files (propertyID, file_url, file_extension) VALUES (:prop_id, :property_file_url, :property_file_extension)";
$stmt = $db->prepare($properties_files_insert_qry);
'prop_id' => $prop_id,
'property_file_url' => $property_file_url,
'property_file_extension' => $property_file_extension
// end switch case
// Make sure all requests are closed
// Log the request
$year = date("Y");
$month = date("m");
$day = date("d");
$hour = date("H");
$min = date("i");
$sec = date("s");
$request_insert_qry = "INSERT INTO requests_log (year,month,day,hour,min,sec,updates) VALUES (:year,:month,:day,:hour,:min,:sec,1)";
$stmt = $db->prepare($request_insert_qry);
'year' => $year,
'month' => $month,
'day' => $day,
'hour' => $hour,
'min' => $min,
'sec' => $sec
// Send an email with full details in the subject line, if not already sent above
$mail->Subject = $subject_str;
// $mail->Send();
echo 'Marker - final
// debug and add email body
echo 'Email subject: ' . $subject_str . '
echo 'Email body: ' . $mail_body . '
if(!$mail->Send()) {
echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;
} else {
echo "Message sent.";